

A note from the heart

(sekadar gambar dr google)

Ya Allah..
Set my heart oh please set my heart straight ya Allah,
Help me be the most patience person I can ever be,
And help me please Allah to be the most kindest person I can ever be.

Ya Allah..
As honest as I can be, I love him..
I do, yes I do.
This feeling that You let it grows in me,
It gives me so much joy and it do too gives me so much pain..

Ya Allah..
If he is meant to be with me, 
Please Ya Allah grant me patience to withstand all this.
But if he is not mine to have,
Please Ya Allah grant me strength to let him go.

Ya Allah..
For all the mistakes I've done,
please forgive me.
For all the mistakes he had done,
please forgive him,
And oh my Almighty,
For all the mistakes we had done together,
please I beg, forgive us Ya Allah..

I know I can never be the best for you,
 and will never be the best for you.
 But that don't differ from the fact  how much I really do loves you..
I do Sayang,
I really do..

Even if I have to wait a thousand years for you,
I'll be more than glad to wait.
Even if I have to do all this all over again,
I will without any hesitation.
All because I'd do anything just to be with you.

Ya Allah,
Please do grant her patience and strength Ya Allah.
Although she hurt me when she took him,
but Ya Allah, I love her and I do care for her happiness.
If they really are meant to be together,
please Ya Allah give me the strength to let them be together.
If she really is the best for him,
grant her patience Ya Allah to withstand all this with me.

Ya Allah,
Teach us what we should be taught.
Test us on what should be tested.
But never Ya Allah separates us all three,
because she's a good friend to me, 
and he too is the greatest lover for me.
Grant us patience Ya Allah and grant us strength to learn from this mishape.

InsyaAllah   :)


"Jika aku TIDAK menulis dengan jari, maka aku akan menulis dengan HATI,..aku tidak pandai berbahasa sastera maka aku BERUSAHA berbahasa TAKWA..menulis bukan untuk mengkayakan BAHASA tapi menulis untuk melakar IMAN didalam jiwa... >>Biarlah sekalipun kita tidak TIDAK HEBAT menulis,..yang penting setiap ILMU yang disampaikan terus ditulis, menulislah sesuatu yang PERLU,..jangan menulis mengikut mahu, apabila kita sentiasa MANFAATKAN sesuatu yang ada disisi, secangkir pena sekalipun banyak memberi ERTI kepada yang memerlukan".

Jumaat, 3 Ogos 2012

A note from the heart

(sekadar gambar dr google)

Ya Allah..
Set my heart oh please set my heart straight ya Allah,
Help me be the most patience person I can ever be,
And help me please Allah to be the most kindest person I can ever be.

Ya Allah..
As honest as I can be, I love him..
I do, yes I do.
This feeling that You let it grows in me,
It gives me so much joy and it do too gives me so much pain..

Ya Allah..
If he is meant to be with me, 
Please Ya Allah grant me patience to withstand all this.
But if he is not mine to have,
Please Ya Allah grant me strength to let him go.

Ya Allah..
For all the mistakes I've done,
please forgive me.
For all the mistakes he had done,
please forgive him,
And oh my Almighty,
For all the mistakes we had done together,
please I beg, forgive us Ya Allah..

I know I can never be the best for you,
 and will never be the best for you.
 But that don't differ from the fact  how much I really do loves you..
I do Sayang,
I really do..

Even if I have to wait a thousand years for you,
I'll be more than glad to wait.
Even if I have to do all this all over again,
I will without any hesitation.
All because I'd do anything just to be with you.

Ya Allah,
Please do grant her patience and strength Ya Allah.
Although she hurt me when she took him,
but Ya Allah, I love her and I do care for her happiness.
If they really are meant to be together,
please Ya Allah give me the strength to let them be together.
If she really is the best for him,
grant her patience Ya Allah to withstand all this with me.

Ya Allah,
Teach us what we should be taught.
Test us on what should be tested.
But never Ya Allah separates us all three,
because she's a good friend to me, 
and he too is the greatest lover for me.
Grant us patience Ya Allah and grant us strength to learn from this mishape.

InsyaAllah   :)

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